What is the difference between a google+ page and a website?

A web page is a simple document that a browser can display. Google Sites is Google's website builder. When you compare Google Sites to WordPress or another advanced website builder, it won't really compare, as it has far fewer features. However, you still have what you need to create a blog, portfolio, business site, or business intranet.

It's also simple enough for non-professional users to create websites for their families, friends and classrooms. When you search on Google+ Local, the search engine identifies your location and generates a view of the recommended places near your location, mine is Brisbane. It allows you to refine your search and type in exactly what you're looking for. Google+ Local is a more social and visually appealing site that allows you to perform a number of functions.

Here you can connect with customers and industry specialists, just as you can on other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Google Plus profiles and business pages have similar differences from those of Facebook profiles and pages. The good thing about Google+ is that all your company information, along with the photos, is exposed to users so that they can better understand your company. These include having the same email address for both accounts, being able to receive verification postcards, and having a Google+ Business page first.

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