How much does it cost to put your business on Google?

  1. Benefits of Setting Up a Google Business Profile
  2. Better Customer Engagement
  3. How much does it cost to put your business on Google?

How much does it cost to put your business on Google?

A business owner surrounded by digital marketing materials, checking their phone.

Getting your business noticed online can feel like a costly challenge. With Google being the go-to search engine, it's crucial to understand how it impacts your visibility. Our article breaks down the costs and steps involved in registering with Google My Business, providing essential insights for every entrepreneur.

Dive in to turn searches into sales without breaking the bank!

Key Takeaways

  • Placing your business on Google with Google Business Profile, once known as Google My Business, is totally free. This includes adding details that help customers find you, like your location and opening times.
  • If you want a standout profile on Google, some people might pay experts around $199 monthly. These pros work on making sure your business shows up when locals search online.
  • Businesses can get extra things to help them be more visible, like paid ads or better pictures, but these will cost more money. The price goes up if you use lots of tools or need special help with things like reviews.
  • While using Google Business Profile won't cost anything, other platforms for managing how your company looks online might ask for a fee, starting at about $35 per month.
  • Your free listing on Google could lead to more local sales and let you engage directly with customers by responding to their questions and comments right there on the web page.

Understanding Google My Business

A business owner updating their storefront information on <a href=Google Business Profile." title="A business owner updating their storefront information on Google Business Profile." class="awimage" />

Google My Business, now known as Google Business Profile, is a powerful tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google's platforms, including Google Search and Google Maps.

It serves as a digital storefront for businesses, providing crucial information to potential customers, such as address, contact details, and opening hours.

What is the New Name for Google My Business?

The place once known as Google My Business has a fresh title; it's now called Google Business Profile. This change means you'll find and manage your business details directly on Google Search and Maps.

It's easier this way! You can update information, post updates, and see how customers are interacting with your company all in one spot. The new name is part of an effort to make things simpler for small businesses so they can focus more on their customers and less on navigating online tools.

Cost of Registering a Business on Google

A business owner managing their Google My Business profile on a laptop.

Setting up Google My Business is free, but the average cost for business profile optimisation can vary based on individual needs and goals. To learn more about the costs and benefits of having your business on Google, keep reading!

Is Setting Up Google My Business Free?

Yes, setting up Google My Business is free. You can add your business information on Google at no cost. This helps customers find you when they search online. Making a Google My Business account does not require money either.

Just sign up, fill in your details, and verify your business to start showing up on Google Maps and Search.

You won't pay anything for these steps. They are a way for you to show off what your business does and how people can reach you without spending money. It's like getting a free advertisement on the internet where lots of people can see it!

Average Cost for Business Profile Optimization

Getting your business profile to shine on Google can cost money if you want professional help. You might pay around $199 each month. This fee usually covers making your online details look great, keeping them up-to-date, and checking how things are going.

A good-looking profile helps people find your business when they search online. It makes sure customers get the right information about what you do and where you are.

Experts who know a lot about search engine optimisation work to make your business show up in local searches. They use keywords like "local SEO" and "digital marketing" to draw more attention to your business.

Paying for this service can mean more people will see your company in their search results, which is great for getting new customers and growing your brand awareness.

Benefits of a Google My Business Listing

Having a Google My Business listing puts your shop or service right where people are looking. It's like having a big sign in the busiest part of town! This free listing makes sure that when someone is searching for what you offer, they can find you easily on Google Search and Maps.

You get to show your open hours, phone number, and even photos of what you do.

With this tool, folks nearby who want what you sell will see your business pop up first. They'll know how close you are and can read reviews from other customers. Happy customers can share their good experiences, which attracts more people to come visit your store or use your services.

Plus, it lets you talk back to customers by answering their questions right there on the web page.

Possible Additional Costs

You might not pay anything to get your business on Google, but sometimes you need more than just a basic listing. Here are some costs you might come across:

  • Ads Campaigns: To show up at the top of search results, you can pay for Google Ads. This is called pay-per-click (PPC), where you spend money each time someone clicks your ad.
  • Advanced SEO: To help your business rank higher, hiring an SEO expert could cost. They work on improving how well your site does in search results.
  • Extra Google Services: Using tools like the Google Maps Platform might cost you if you go over the free limits. For heavy use, fees can get as high as $7,000 per month.
  • Professional Photos and Videos: Having great images can draw more customers. Paying a professional photographer or videographer will add to your costs.
  • Local Search Engine Optimization: Getting noticed in local searches can require extra help. Experts in local SEO may charge for their services.
  • Managing Reviews and Customer Experiences: Sometimes businesses hire others to manage reviews and talk to customers online. This service will have its own price tag.

Alternatives to Google My Business

Business owners looking for options other than Google My Business have a variety of other tools to consider. These platforms provide similar services, allowing companies to manage their online presence and connect with customers.

They often come at a cost, starting around $35 per month for small businesses or agencies overseeing up to three different locations. This fee can be a smart investment for those seeking specific features or integration capabilities that Google My Business doesn't offer.

Some popular alternatives include Bing Places for BusinessYelp for Business Owners, and Yahoo Local Listings. Each has its own set of benefits, like social media integrations, SEO tools, and localised search engine optimisation features that help boost a business's visibility on the web.

With these tools, businesses enhance their brand identity and increase their chances of appearing in the top spots on search engine results pages (SERPs), effectively reaching their target audience.

It's all about picking the right platform that fits your business needs and goals in digital marketing.


Getting your business on Google doesn't cost a penny—it's free! If you want to make your profile even better, you might pay someone to help for about $199 each month. But remember, just having your business listed gives you a chance to be seen by local customers and shines a spotlight on what you do.

You can start today without worrying about spending any money—how great is that?.


1. What is Google My Business, and is it free?

Google My Business, or GMB, lets you put your business details online for no cost at all. This handy tool helps customers find you easily on Google Maps and in search results.

2. Will I have to pay for better visibility through SEO?

Not directly to Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO), including local SEO, doesn't come with a price tag from them. But you might want to hire an expert to help your business show up higher in search results, which can cost money.

3. Do I need to spend any money on Google+ for my business?

Nope! You don’t have to spend anything on Google+. It's been closed down by the tech giant, so focusing just on Google My Business will serve your online marketing needs.

4. Is there a hidden cost when using GMB for my business promotion?

There are no sneaky fees hiding behind using GMB; it’s designed as a free platform that fits into your overall online marketing without extra costs. However, keep in mind that if you opt for paid ads on Google, that’s when charges apply.

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